Thursday, February 4, 2010

Supper at Home 4/2/10



  1. ポテトマッシュルームスープ
  2. 温野菜のカレーマヨソース
  3. 大根と豆腐のそぼろあんかけ





  • じゃがいも    2個
  • たまねぎ     1個
  • マッシュルーム 6個
  • コンソメ     1キューブ
  • 牛乳       少々
  • 水         適量
  • 乾燥バジル   適量
  • マーガリン    適量


  1. じゃがいもを、たまねぎ、マッシュルームをざくざくきる
  2. たまねぎを鍋でいためる
  3. たまねぎを炒めた鍋に、じゃがいも、水ひたひた、コンソメ、バジルを入れて煮る
  4. じゃがいもがある程度煮えたら、ミキサーに3全てをいれ、ピュレーのボタンでどろどろに
  5. 4を鍋にもどし、牛乳、マッシュルーム、マーガリンと煮て、できあがり




  • 人参      1本
  • ブロッコリー 1株
  • ゆで卵    3個
  • カレー粉   大1
  • マヨネーズ  大5


  1. 人参とブロッコリーを洗って食べやすい大きさにきる
  2. ゆで卵をつくる
  3. 人参とブロッコリーを耐熱皿にいれ、軽く塩・こしょう、水を振ってラップをして電子レンジへ
  4. 電子レンジのVegetable>Fresh を選ぶと勝手にセンサーで感知してくれます、便利
  5. レンジが頑張ってる間にカレー粉とマヨをあわせておく
  6. もりつけて完成




  • 大根     半分
  • 豆腐     1丁
  • 豚ひき肉  250g
  • たまねぎ  1個
  • しょうが   1かけ
  • 米のとぎ汁 大根が煮れるくらい
  • だし汁    200CC
  • 醤油     大3
  • 砂糖     大2
  • みりん    大2
  • 酒      大2
  • 水溶き片栗粉


  1. 大根を5mm程の輪切りに、たまねぎはみじん切り、豆腐はさいのめ
  2. 大根を米のとぎ汁でやわらかくなるまで煮る
  3. 豚ひき肉を水で煮て、油をとばす
  4. 2のゆで汁をすて、だし汁200ccと豆腐を加え煮る
  5. フライパンでたまねぎをいため、ひき肉、すりおろしたしょうがを加え、いためる。
  6. 4を5に加え、さらに調味料をあわせたものも加える
  7. 味が染み込むまでぐつぐつ煮る
  8. 最後に水溶き片栗粉でとろみをつけ、完成




Cooper's Alehouse on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Supper at Home 3/2/10


  1. 大根と人参のきんぴら
  2. 青梗菜と豆腐の鶏がらスープ煮
  3. チーズかにかま春巻きの皮揚げ





  • 大根   半分
  • 人参   1本
  • ごま油  適量
  • 砂糖   大3
  • ほんだし 小2
  • 水     50CC
  • 酒     大2
  • 醤油   大3
  • みりん  大3


  1. 大根と人参を短冊っぽく切ったら、ごま油で炒める
  2. 1に砂糖を加えて水分をだす
  3. 2に調味料をあわせておいたのを混ぜて、好みの質感になるまで煮る

  • 青梗菜        4株←束?
  • 豆腐         1丁
  • マッシュルーム   6個
  • とき卵        1個
  • 鶏がらスープ    30CCくらい
  • オイスターソース  適量
  • 醤油         適量
  • みりん        適量
  • おろししょうが   1カケ
  • 水溶き片栗粉    適量


  1. マッシュルームを適当な大きさに切る、青梗菜は洗って泥をおとす
  2. 深めのフライパンに調味料をまとめて投入
  3. 材料を全て入れてぐつぐつさせる
  4. 片栗粉でとろみをつけ、とき卵をまわしいれ完成




  • 春巻きの皮 7枚
  • かにかま   6本
  • チーズ    適量
  • 揚げ油    適量


  1. 春巻きの皮が大きかったので半分にきる
  2. かにかまを小さく輪切りにする
  3. チーズはチェダーとモッツァレラのマーブルをブロックで買ってシュレッドして冷凍したもの使用
  4. かにかまとチーズを混ぜて一緒に春巻きの皮で包む
  5. 170℃の油で2~3分揚げる






Cooper's Alehouse on Urbanspoon

Supper at Home Intro





  • 基本野菜メイン(ベジタリアンとかかっこいい感じではなく、肉は高いから!!)
  • 白米他2品がデフォ(気分がいいと3品もしくは2品にスープがつく)
  • 彩り、配色、何それ?な茶色・緑色率80%料理
  • コスト・シンプル・スピードが命



Cooper's Alehouse on Urbanspoon

Saturday, January 30, 2010

O'Doul's Restaurant and Bar

It's been while since we went to a fine dining restaurant. I wanted to choose a nice restaurant for my mother's birthday.SDC13886SDC13880
We had complementary crab cake on an avocado/cucumber mix along with the usual bread and butter.

We started with a seafood sampler platter. The sauces were delicately made each of the items: crab cake, scallop, and tuna tataki. You can tell they spend time making the sauce and artistically putting it on top of your food and dish. Although, I was slightly disappointed at the tune tataki. The meat seemed too soft and did not really have any "bounce" or “el dente-ness" to it.
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The seafood chowder was the best chowder I’ve had anywhere in Vancouver and very visually pleasing as well. It comes with an abundant amount of seafood, very rich, very creamy. SDC13884   Mean while, waiting for the food, I was able to check out the very elegant and detailed decor such as the roof where they had this historical topographic map. I’m sure there is a real history behind his restaurant.
I had the rack of lambs in medium rare (recommended by the waitress). It was very succulent and meaty, unlike cheap lamb where they make it too hard and dry. It is marinated with a good amount of horseradish and herbs with a sweet gravy sauce. It does not have any "lamb" smell at all and was very very tender.
My dad had the grilled pork chop, a weekly special. This is definitely not JUST any typical pork chop, it is the BEST pork chop I have ever tried. The meat was juicy and tender with a very good tasting BBQ sauce. However, I did not like the small orange rice looking things because they tasted a little dry. I believe it is a type of Spanish rice. On the other hand, the duck breast was also very succulent and smooth just like my rack of lambs.

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And these were some of the delicious, eye popping and beautiful desserts. They were overall very decent, nothing super spectacular taste-wise.

Cooper's Alehouse on Urbanspoon

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Herons (at Fairmont Hotel, Downtown)

So we were hanging around Canada place and always wanted to try the restaurant with tall glass windows across from Canada place. Herons is a fine dining restaurant located inside Fairmont. The place looks beautiful from outside from the 20 foot tall glass windows facing the Burrard Inlet.

Regrettably, the view is recently partially blocked by the new convention center, but it was still quite nice.
DSC_2221Shortly after orders, we were presented with the usual bread appetizers, but with an interesting “dip”. It was two types of homemade butter. The green one is a vegetable based butter which tasted cucumber/avacado’ish and the yellow is regular but really smooth butter.


I thought the portions were little on the small side (a given, but still a tad smaller than my expectation). I can tell that they certainly have spent more time preparing the dish compared to an average restaurant. I order the prawn and scallop risotto which I thought was decent but was not cheesy enough.

In regards to risotto, nothing beaten the wild mushroom three cheese risotto I had at The Cannery. In fact talking about it makes me want to go there soon, so I will be reviewing that once again.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thai House (Burnaby)

This is actually my third time to Thai House, once in Richmond and twice in Burnaby. There are multiple branches: Richmond, Burnaby, North Vancouver , Downtown and Kitsilano. It is owned by a chain of restaurants including Samba Steakhouse, Chilli House and Urban Thai Bistro.

I enjoy coming here with 3 or more friends as most of the dishes really has to be shared to enjoyed. Thai House has a warm ambiance and many Thai decorations inside the restaurant. The place is usually pretty busy with a diverse group of customers.

As it was a very hot day (record breaking heatwave in Vancouver!), we immediately ordered some drinks; The Royal Thai and Pina Colada for myself, both virgin. The Royal Thai drink was made of blended lychee and coconut milk juice which yields a very unique (and good) taste I thought, very refreshing on a hot day.
In terms of ordering, the majority of the food on the menu are spicy but you can request mild even if shows "3 chilli's". As both of us cannot really stand too much spice, we ordered the Chicken lettuce wrap without any spice as appetizer and we thought it was great!

Presentation overall for all of our dishes were decent but nothing spectacular. We had the Thai peanut sauce on chicken breast strips (forgot the Thai name), with spinach undedeath. Above is the fried salmon with creamy garlic sauce. I thought this was a very interesting dish. The sauce is like a creamy tomato garlic sauce. It tastes a little like a western dish and it could use a tiny bit more thai spice/herbs flavouring to make it taste more Thai'ish.
None of the dishes came with rice, so you have to order rice seperately. We ordered two bowls of coconut rice which came in one big bowl (above). I guess they steam the rice using coconut milk and call it that way, which makes the rice smell nice.
I noticed some people around our table ordered the "Thai Ice Tea" and it looked very interestingly "red" so I just had to try it! It came and I noticed it smelled similar to an HK cafe ice milk tea but stronger in terms of the tea smell. It tastes like nothing I've drank before and the best I can describe it is it LIKE a HK ice milk tea except it is much stronger in terms of the tea and is abit minty. Definatley an acquired taste. Does anyone know how they make this?

Our bill came to $60.59 for two of us and I thought it was a little pricy. I noticed that alot of the food in Thai restaurants overlaps with Malaysian restaurants such as Tropika so I sometimes wonder whether a dish is originally Thai or Malay. I guess those two places ARE close together.

Thai House Royale Restaurant (Burnaby) on Urbanspoon

Sunday, July 26, 2009

No. 9 Restaurant

We went to No. 9 because the parking lots of two of the places we wanted to go were really really busy. Sigh, when will Richmond be car friendly? Anyway No. 9 restaurant is a very popular 24/7 Chinese restaurant where you can get a variety of Chinese food at a decent price, decent taste and convenience. There is so many things to choose from I doubt anyone has ate every single dish here. You often see 3-4 menus on average once you are seated.
Sorry for the blurry photo, but it was thundering lions so I was quickly pacing inside. I'm sure EVERYONE knows where it is now. If not, it is facing No.3 road in Landsdown mall. Parking is plentiful.
As usual, the place is fairly busy no matter what time it is. I'm very impressed at how well they do over these years. Ambience is very busy with servers and people moving around no matter where you look. Service as expected is pretty much described as giving you the menu, taking orders and giving you the bill. We ordered a 3-course meal for $33.95 which were all decent. All 3 dishes came very quickly.
Here is a the "BBQ combo" which has chinese style sweet soy sauce pork "char siu", and fried pork "siu yok". I'm actually not really sure how the fried pork is prepared. You always see them hanging as a whole pig in front with the orange fried skin. Do they literally throw the whole pig on a large fire grill and grill it?
Above is the Beef and Brocolli and below is the Chicken with pepper sauce that you don't see very well . Although both dish were pretty simple, it tasted good and there were generous amounts of meat on both dish.
Overall, the food was decent, came quick and price was decent so who argue with that? To be specific on the food, personally, I find it is abit heavy on the sauce/grease and there definately is MSG because I had to drink water non-stop that night. And if you are looking for something "nice", this is probably not the place for you. No. 9 will always be in the back of my head if I cannot think of something and just want some food.
Some menus below:

#9 Restaurant on Urbanspoon